Bouquet of Roses
I have so many bouquets in my room for my birthday (most of them are from my mom). But I think receiving flowers, specifically bouquets is a paradox. For example, your boyfriend gets you a bouquet of roses for a special date. What do you do? You probably thank him and put them in a vase with water. You leave them on your dining room table. They make the room look prettier. But what happens to those flowers in a few days? They dry out, start to smell bad, and fall apart. And so all you're left to do is throw them out. Why is it considered the norm to give someone something that is already dying for a special event? It really bothers me that this is normal. But then again I over analyze things and just can't appreciate the flowers while they are there. For me it's always a countdown until something good is gone. I can never be the person to just "enjoy it while it lasts". So personally, I'd rather get balloons and chocolate for a celebration. Or an actual flower that has not been ripped out of the soil. And I will make sure my future boyfriend knows this about me. As far as the 5 bouquets in my room goes, it's my mom; I will let it slide!